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Copy of Future Entrepreneur Academy


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Is your high school (grades 9-12) student interested in being the next entrepreneur?

This free camp is for them!

Join us as we explore their personality strengths, develop marketing and branding skills, promote financial and government literacy, and pitch their developed product! Along the way we will visit with civic leaders, field experts and field trip to City Hall, Delta Community College, and the University of Louisiana Monroe.

Have questions?

Contact the Chamber!

Want to apply?

Simply download and complete the Student Agreement Online Form below and submit using the form on this page.

Note: students must be available July 7th, 10-14th from 8:30am - 2pm. Lunch will be provided each day. Students must either have their own transportation or have transportation arranged for drop off and pick-up at the OPS Office on N 7th in West Monroe each day.

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